Adirondack Park 2 – Volunteer Vacation 2024

Please note that all fields with an * are required.

Volunteer Vacation Participant Information
Click the State field and type in the full name of the state. Click the state as it appears in the list below the search box.
Trip Fee(s)
Volunteer Vacation Participant Information Cont.
Click down arrow on the right side of field to see options.
By checking the box below, I acknowledge that I understand that during my participation in this Volunteer Vacation Trip, I may be exposed to a variety of hazards and risks, foreseen or unforeseen, which are inherent in each Trip and cannot be eliminated without destroying the unique character of the Trip. These inherent risks and hazards may result in loss, damage, injury or death. With full knowledge of these dangers, I hereby agree for myself, all of my family and heirs, to RELEASE American Hiking Society and any of its employees, members, trip leaders, chapters, groups, representatives or agents from liability, claims, demands or any causes of action, and NOT TO USE OR OTHERWISE MAKE ANY CLAIM against American Hiking Society or any of its member groups, representatives or agents whatsoever which may arise during my participation in any activities of American Hiking Society. To the extent allowed by law, I intend this RELEASE OF LIABILITY to be effective whether or not any loss, damage, injury or death results from the negligence of American Hiking Society or any of its agents, leaders, instructors, guides, officers, directors, or representatives. I understand that negligence means a failure to do an act which a reasonable, careful person would do, or the doing of an act which a reasonable, careful person would not do, under the same or similar circumstances, to protect himself, herself or others from injury or death. I assume the risk and full responsibility for any personal injuries, including injuries resulting in death, which might occur, even if caused by the negligence or lack of care of American Hiking Society, its employees, members, trip leaders, member groups, representatives or agents. I agree to be solely responsible for my own safety and to take every precaution to provide for my own safety and well-being while participating in activities of the American Hiking Society. I have read this document in its entirety and I freely and voluntarily assume all risks of such injuries and hazards and notwithstanding such risks, I agree to participate in the Trip.

IF UNDER 18 YEARS OF AGE, PARENTAL OR GUARDIAN CONSENT IS REQUIRED. If parent/guardian consents to these terms, please checkbox below: I am the legal guardian of the above minor and have read the above RELEASE. I hereby consent to the terms of the RELEASE on behalf of the named minor and give my consent to the participation of the above named minor in all activities of American Hiking Society on the terms stated.
While Volunteer Vacations and Alternative Breaks are operating with additional safety precautions in place, there are still inherent risks associated with travel and gathering in small groups outside of your household that may result in the spread or contraction of COVID-19. Receiving one of the available COVID-19 vaccines will significantly reduce the risk of contracting or spreading the virus. If you are eligible and able, we strongly encourage you to receive one of the available COVID-19 vaccines prior to your trip. All participants are required to abide by American Hiking’s current COVID-19 Guidelines ( as well as any current local, state, land manager, and host agency regulations. By checking the box below, you understand the risk of contracting COVID-19 on this trip, assume responsibility to help prevent the spread of COVID-19 and any other viral illness, and release American Hiking Society or any of its agents, leaders, instructors, guides, officers, directors, or representatives of any liability should you contract or spread COVID-19 as a result of participating on this trip.

All trip participants must provide their own health and accident insurance; in case of injury or illness while on their trip. Please also consider purchasing trip cancellation insurance to cover you in the event that you are no longer able to participate in your scheduled trip. Trip cancellation insurance protects you against financial loss if you must cancel a trip because of illness or injury to yourself, a family member, or traveling companion.

I hereby grant American Hiking Society the right to utilize photographs taken by me or of me participating in the above activity/trip for the purpose of promotion and advertising. I waive any right to inspect or approve the finished product, including written copy that may be created in connection therewith. In addition, I request no compensation, financial or otherwise, for photographs that American Hiking Society takes and utilizes.
*All trips require a registration fee and full refunds are available only if a trip is canceled or already filled. *Cancelations received at least 10 weeks prior to the start date of the project will receive a 50% refund of the original registration fee paid. No refund will be made if cancellation is made less than 10 weeks prior to the start date or if the participant fails to show up for the project. This includes instances of injury and illness. *If notice is received at least 10 weeks prior to the start date of the project, participants may switch to another project during the same calendar year. *Projects will be confirmed at least 4-6 weeks prior to the project start date. Project confirmations include local travel instructions; as such AHS strongly encourages volunteers not to book non-refundable transportation until receiving the project confirmation. AHS is not responsible for lost funds due to canceled or modified travel itineraries. *Volunteers provide all personal gear and equipment, including a backpack, tent, sleeping bag, broken-in boots, and other personal items for trips where these items are required. *Travel to and from the project location is not included in the registration fee. Some trips may require certain additional expenses beyond the registration fee.
On a volunteer vacation, we come together to create and maintain access to public lands that others will enjoy for years to come. As we gather, we seek to create a community that is deeply respectful, kind, and considerate of our differences in race, ethnicity, gender, social class, socioeconomic status, sexual orientation, (dis)abilities, religion, and all other factors that comprise our identities. AHS recognizes that our differences are strengths that should be celebrated, and we invite each individual to join us in helping to foster an inclusive environment where everyone feels welcome, valued and safe. AHS will not tolerate hateful, discriminatory or derogatory comments or actions of any type at any time.